Photo by Lynn Walker
I write science fiction and fantasy. I've sometimes been told I don't look like the type, which always seems like a peculiar thing to say. What does an SFF author look like? Perhaps a little wild-eyed? A lot of hair that won't settle into place? Wearing outfits that no one else dares to?
Well, that is not me. I am curious about how people think, and what they'd do if placed in strange situations or incredible adventures. I love a carefully crafted tale that subverts my expectations and is deeply entertaining. Like a lot of writers I'm a bit introverted, thus long hours in the writing den is heaven to me.
My latest work is a 4-book portal fantasy, The Arisen Worlds. My previous fantasy series was an alternate history, The Dark Talents, set in Europe in the run-up to World War II.
My nineteen novels have been set in many different eras and worlds. And once, in the universe next door, the science fiction series The Entire and The Rose. This series is now out in a new edition and will be offered in limited deluxe editions in a Kickstarter project in May, 2025. To be notified of launch: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/wintersetbooks/the-entire-and-the-rose
​Every career has highs and lows. For example, I have been a finalist for the Philip K. Dick award (Maximum Ice) and had a series optioned for film (The Dark Talents). I have abandoned no less than three novels and two elaborate book treatments. I also brought one of them back to life after four years squirreled away in a file. I have walked away from a major publisher, killed a pet dog in a story, (boy, did I hear about that one!) and once published a novel in which I said that Vancouver was in northwest Canada.
I'm a founding member of a writing organization that helps aspiring writers: Write on the River in Wenatchee, Washington. My husband and I have three adult children and a large tabby cat, Winston. (See picture, above.)We (husband and I) have a mutual love of science fiction and fantasy, though the cat loves them, too. I have never been the sporty type, but have been known to play a round of golf. I am inordinately fond of road trips and in a banner year once went to Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon and Yosemite. Not much writing got done. That felt both guilty and immensely freeing.
I am back in the trenches now.