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Book signing Valentine’s Day afternoon

If you’re in the neighborhood, please join me in Leavenworth WA for a signing and launch of my latest book!

Saturday, February 14 ~Valentine’s Day~ 1:00-3:00 PM

703 Highway 2, Leavenworth WA


Buy a copy of my new book and take home a free copy of your next book (or the first book) in my science fiction quartet, The Entire and The Rose!

Please drop in to say hi and help me launch my new fantasy novel, Queen of the Deep! And/or meet me down the street at South cafe afterward!

The world of the Palazzo: a magical ship which is both a colossal ocean liner and a Renaissance kingdom. Ruling over its denizens–both human and otherwise–is an exotic and dangerous queen. Jane is lost in a dazzling world of court intrigue and deadly intent. To find her way home, she must discover who–or what–guides the Palazzo, and what is the urgent secret of its endless voyage.

“Fascinatingly conceived, brilliantly handled.”  –Mike Resnick


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