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Don Maass comes to WA

Donald Maass, of Donald Maass Literary Agency in New York is coming to a conference in Wenatchee, WA on Saturday May 16, 2009. This is a great opportunity to pitch your novel-length project to a top agent. Besides individual pitching sessions, he will also be giving two workshops: Writing the Breakout Novel and The Fire in Fiction. If you’re anywhere in the vicinity and looking for an agent, I urge you to consider attending this conference. I’ll be there, too!

The price is $80 for the one-day conference (add $30 if you want to attend the half-day workshop on Sunday, led by Brian McDonald.) This is a great price for the line-up of presenters that we have. Check Write on the River out here.

To learn more about Donald Maass, here is an interesting interview with him on The Writer Unboxed.



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