No one can teach you to write a really fine novel. I take that back. They can teach it, but your novel may still flounder. It’s all in the gestalt of your finished story. It’s up to you to make the artistic choices.
However, the tools of the novelist are fairly basic. You should master them, and one way is to read (and take classes on) different approaches. Each teacher will come at things like plot and character and subplots a little differently. But they all talk about the same set of tools. That being the case, it’s time to start building your library!
Here are a few of my faves, sort of in order of complexity:
How to Tell a Story, Peter Rubie & Gary Provost
How to Write a Damn Good Novel, James N. Frey
The Writer’s Journey, Christopher Vogler
Manuscript Makeover, Elizabeth Lyon
The Weekend Novelist, Robert J. Ray
I am now reading Ray’s fabulous new book, The Weekend Novelist Rewrites, and will be reviewing it here in coming weeks.
Writing the Breakout Novel, Donald Maass
The Fire in Fiction, Donald Maass
Story Structure Demystified, Larry Brooks (ebook) **particularly recommended**
Story: Substance, Structure, Style and The Principles of Screenwriting, Robert McKee.
A little warning, perhaps obvious: No matter how much you may admire a how-to book, be prepared to follow your instincts. Remember, everything is in service to the story. Your story. Don’t force it.