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Kay’s Best of 2011

I’m looking back this week, isn’t everybody? Here are my 2011 picks for crucial random categories like: Best conversation at a con, Most peculiar sight, and Best critter event.

Best new TV program

OK, talkin’ trash here, but I got hooked on this one. Most of it’s pretty good acting, but what’s with the the wild-eyed colony military leader?

Best sf/f books I read

Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins. IQ84, Haruki Murakami. The Brahms Deception, Louise Marley, Tongues of Serpents, Naomi Novik.

Best conversations at a con

With Brent and Kristi Weeks at Worldcon; John Piccacio at World Fantasy.

Favorite con and why

World Fantasy, San Diego. For programming.

Most annoyingly brilliant fellow panelist at a con

Alistair Reynolds, Worldcon.

Most peculiar sight

34 big-horn sheep invading a golf course and being gently herded off by a ride-upon lawn mower.

Most weird and wonderful 

Mary Robinette Kowal opening a trunk in her basement and introducing me to her hand-crafted puppets.

Most moving sight

The reflecting pool at ground zero in NYC on September 14, 2011. Missed the crowds by 3 days.

Most annoying small, stupid thing

My fingernails constantly splitting. For a writer, this is particularly stupid and yet engrossing.

Best accomplishment

Finished my novel, A Thousand Perfect Things. Pub date? I dunno yet!

Best critter event

Sumo caught a mouse. Played with it and idiotically let it slip through his claws under the dishwasher. Next day, caught it again! Redeemed himself.

I’m sure I’m missing some seminal events of lasting spiritual importance. But, like, these are the ones that came to mind.

Happy Holidays everyone!


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