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Kay’s Dialog Workshop

I’ll be in Portland, Oregon on Wednesday, November 15 to present a workshop on writing dialog. Thanks to Oregon Writers Colony for inviting me! We’ll have beer, wine, pizza and me all for $20. Sounds wrong, but you get the idea.

When editors (or readers for that matter) are bumped out of stories, the culprit is often clumsy or boring dialog. We’ve learned to avoid writing wooden dialog (er, or have we?) but what about dialog that grabs hold and intrigues or moves us?

POISE AND PRATFALLS IN DIALOG How to Write It, How Not To: Kay’s Take Wednesday, November 15, Food served at 6:30, workshop at 7:00 Chantiques on SE Milwaukee, Portland Oregon For info: Martha Miller,

See you at OryCon too? (Nov 17-19)


@2023 Kay Kenyon. All rights reserved.

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