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Orycon Report and Powells

Orycon was in fine form this year, with GOH Robert Charles Wilson, among others. I was there too, and signed a few books and one robot. This yet-to-be-named robot  will soon sport hundreds of sf/f fantasy author signatures. It  will be auctioned off at a major venue like World Con or the RadCon Toxic Waste Party for the benefit of the Endeavour Award. (Won this weekend by Robin Hobb.)

And speaking of the RadCon room party at  Orycon, here are some impressions: What, there are 100 people in here and two chairs? Why is there a toy chicken making the rounds of all the women?

Lea Day presiding over beverage bucket.

Kay and Bob Brown, chairman of RadCon, Feb 16–18, Pasco, WA.

Jay Lake and the yellow chicken.

I made it to what panels I could; you know how it is, too much going on. Patrick Swenson and I shared a roundtable “On What Editors Do” (and I was on this panel why?) but it was fun. The one below was on “Tormenting Heros for Fun and Profit,” Since panelist Mark Ferrari had the flu we made him sit 10 feet away, which he took in good stride, politely raising his hand whenever he had a contribution to make. Damon Kaswell made the mistake of admitting this was the first panel he had ever moderated. Let’s just say we were delighted to initiate him.

Mark Ferrari, Damon Kaswell, Will Vinton, Me. (Dave Duncan arrived soon thereafter.)

The SF/F Fest at Powell’s Beaverton was on Wednesday night. This was a terrific first-time event for the store, and the locals loyally turned out. Thanks to Peter Honigstock for superb organizing and for  providing a secret buffet for the authors in the back room. I arrived ravenous from the airport, dragging my suitcase and seriously wondering where the hell Beaverton was.

Dal Perry with copy of “The Gangster Conspiracy,” Chris Bunch’s last book, finished by Dal Perry and Steve Perry. (Irene Radford beside him.)

Portland mainstays of the SF/F scene, and conference organizers, John Lorentz and Ruth Sachter.

Mary Rosenblum (“Horizons”) and me (“Bright of the Sky”) along with Eldon Thompson.


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