I’m excited for RadCon to be underway! I haven’t been to a con since World Fantasy last November, so I’m ready to see old friends, meet new ones, and see what people are up to. I have a big schedule on Saturday, but some free time on Sunday. Hope to see some of you in Pasco, WA Februay 17 and 18!
My schedule:
10:15 AM – Rm 2211 – Reading from At the Table of Wolves
12:45 PM – Rm 2207 – Alternate History & Social Justice/Injustice
3:15 PM – Rm 2207 – Keeping it Interesting
7:00 PM – Rm 2207 – Writing Compelling Villains
9:00 AM – Rm 2207 – How to Write a Series
11:00 AM – Merchandise booth – Selling, signing my books
RadCon years’ past:
Bob Brown and me
Me and Patty Briggs