According to Matthew Flamm at Crain’s New York Business, even with the recession, US readers bought books during the last 12 months, almost holding steady from 2008 — down 3% to be exact. Not too shabby, considering. Furthermore, interesting to note that nonfiction was down 7%, leaving room for fiction to show an ever so slight gain in sales. And despite news from Amazon about surge in e-book titles sold, overall, that share is still thought to be no more than 3% of sales. So, bottom line, folks: We’re still reading paper books (you know, the ones author’s get a fair reimbursement for) and among all those corners were cutting, we’re still willing to shell out for a good read. — This news courtesy of the ever-watchful Kris Rusch.
So, happy eve of 2009, my friends. And happy reading!