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Worldcon There and Back

Just back from Denvention, after a late flight out of Denver and spending the night in Seattle with Louise Marley. A great worldcon–there’s nothing quite like worldcon–but smaller than usual, and in a venue spread all over the place. I hung out with Louise and Sharon Shinn (Twelve Houses series, Samaria), had panels on myth, writing “101” and, yes, quantum physics, in which I represented the fictional viewpoint, natch. Had great chats with Bill Dietz, David Marusek, Lou Anders, Mike Resnick, Mary Buckner, Patrick Swenson (yes, Louise was avoiding you) Brenda Cooper, Jay Lake, Kate Elliott, John Douglas, Elizabeth Moon, Steve Feldberg of Audible Books, and lots of readers. I met Ian McDonald, one of my fiction favorites. Alas, he lost the Best Novel to Michael Chabon. I must say I loved The Yiddish Policeman’s Union, but head-to-head for great writing, I really think Brasyl matched it, and was a more sfnal story. In fact a brilliant one. I’m sure we all had our favorites, and I admit I didn’t read them all. But truly, you should read Brasyl. The thing that just kills me is that last year, I thought River of Gods (also McDonald) was the best book in recent memory.

I believe Stephan Martiniere richly deserved his win for Best Professional Artist, but I may not be very objective. Anyway, thrilled for him. I couldn’t clap at all during the Hugos (despite explicit audience instructions from master of ceremonies Will McCarthy) because of a sprained finger–perhaps from carrying pounds of books around, a result of never getting back to hotel after expensive visits to the Dealers Room. I dutifully wore my pin “Are You Dreaming of a City at the End of Time?” in honor of Greg Bear’s new book–which contributed to the sprained finger.

Glad to be home, though. As you can see from the userpic, my cat was overjoyed to see me.


@2023 Kay Kenyon. All rights reserved.

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