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Write Now: In-Depth or a Chat

This week on Zoom you writers (you know who you are) have two cool choices for learning the ropes.

First, the In-Depth: On Saturday morning, March 11, Write on the River presents successful and prolific indie author Trish McCallan giving an introductory on self-publishing! She'll demystify the process and the opportunities of doing-it-yourself, with an eye to practical been-there, done-that tips. ($30 for nonmembers.) We'll have an hour and a half with an expert, and if you're near Wenatchee, WA, the class will be in-person, too. I'll be there, so hope to see you on Zoom or in the room! To register.

And here's the chat: Pressed for time? Me too! That's why I run a bi-monthly Zoom meet-up for for fiction writers called Boost Your Writing Chops. I give a quick bit about a key aspect of fiction writing, and then we chat, folks ask questions, and I draw on my 20+ years of novel and short story writing to answer. All levels of experience are welcome. This one is on Thursday, March 9 from 5:00 to 6:00 PST. Why only an hour? Because we're all so busy! Hope to see you! ($10 for nonmembers.) To register.


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